
You know what? Describing yourself in a little box is not as easy as it seems. I'll update this section later.

Pure Morning

Brian Molko in Pure Morning Music Video
How do you choose your online names?

Though the url of this blog is taxcha, I decided to title it with Pure Morning. Pure Morning is a song by Placebo, released in 1998. I just graduated from middle school back then, and I was completely hooked on this song. I didn't know Placebo. I didn't know Brian Molko or how awesome his androgynous self was back then. I didn't even know anything about the music video or the rest of the band members. But I heard this song on the radio often, and for some reason I considered this song as my anthem. I still love it. I could listen to it forever. Related to that, I took some lines from the lyrics for my subtitle; a friend in need's a friend indeed, my Japanese is better. I know that doesn't make any sense, but I'm pretty sure my Japanese is better than average non-Japanese people around the world :p

Here's the music video of Pure Morning :

Other than this blog, I also use parts of lyrics from Pure Morning for my rant blog; Day is Dawning.

I have several names online, the most common one I use is taxcha, I use it for almost all of my accounts. Taxcha doesn't mean anything, it's just a play on my nickname, replacing the 's' with an 'x' to make it interesting because apparently adding an 'x' was a popular internet trend.

When I don't use taxcha, sometimes I'm battlerain. Battlerain is a funny name I got because a Japanese couldn't pronounce my last name. Of course the person didn't exactly say Battlerain, but it's my English interpretation of "batorurein".

I had a blog I created for my crafts, but I no longer update that one. It's called paperbutterflies. I love butterflies, and I thought it's a good name for a craft blog. Some other names of mine had been a combination of butterfly and battlerain, just because I think they sound good together.

I'm looking at my other names online, and I realized that a lot of them are related to color names.

My youtube name was taxcha until I got suspended, thanks to a Japanese band called Orange Range (I uploaded their MVs which are copyrighted materials). I needed YouTube in my life, so I immediately created another account, called PinkFancyPanic. Fancy Panic was taken from Orange Range's album Panic Fancy (uh, I was a big fan back then), because it written on a merchandise which was right in front of me when I was thinking about what name to choose. I switch the order and added Pink in the front and voila. That's my youtube name (the most active one, I mean, I have a lot of youtube accounts).

I created a graphics community for icon making, it's called milledlavender (no longer updated though). It's really hard to find online names that are still available! Milledlavender was taken from the name of a color from Tim Holtz' distressed ink collection. It's a very pretty color. I was looking for a name and decided to use my stacks of distressed inks as reference.

When I registered to colourlovers.com, I chose the name fashionfuchsia. I've always loved pink, and Fashion Fuchsia was popular at that time. My room was all about Fashion Fuchsia.

So, what's the story behind your online names?


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