
You know what? Describing yourself in a little box is not as easy as it seems. I'll update this section later.

One Year Later ...

I am back with a new obsession : postcrossing. ... or you know, just postcards in general. I haven't been sending postcards for at least the last 3 years. I don't really have memories with postcards, but now I do think it's really exciting to get back to old school way of communicating with people.

In 2004-2005, I used to send some Japanese postcards to my friends in Jakarta. I also sent some handmade ones for my family in 2008-ish. ... I don't think they ever reached my family.

I got into postcrossing just recently, and I was so eager to start. But I really don't want to post too many postcard stuff on my fandom blog so I think I would post it here. Apparently it is not easy to find good postcards here in Jakarta, so I'm just going to document stuff I got, price and where to get it.


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